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Dress code

PS 39 Student Dress Code & Uniform Policy

  • The school uniform is mandatory and consists of a “PS 39” t-shirt, differentiated by grade, combined with any pants, shorts, sweatpants, jumper, skirt or skirt/skort.
  • All available options are acceptable for all students.
  • Please contact PS 39 to purchase the PS 39 uniform shirt.
  • Families with financial hardship can contact the Parent Coordinator, Ms. DeFilippi, for assistance.
  • Clothing that has inappropriate language or messages are prohibited.
  • Hats, bandanas or any kind of head covering are to be removed upon entering the building, unless there is a medical, religious, or cultural reason.
  • Pants are to sit at the waist and be hemmed or cuffed relative to the student’s height. Pants that fall beneath the shoe may be dangerous and pose a trip hazard.
  • Students are to wear closed shoes. Flip-flops and any open-backed footwear and/or those with exposed toes are not permitted. We strongly encourage students to wear sneakers everyday as these are the safest footwear to be worn in school.
  • Students must wear sneakers to participate in physical education.
  • Students are to wear closed shoes. Flip-flops and any open-backed footwear and/or those with exposed toes are not permitted. We strongly encourage students to wear sneakers everyday as these are the safest footwear to be worn in school.
  • During the winter months, be sure to label all hats, gloves, mittens, umbrellas etc. Remember, all children go out to play for recess even in cold weather. Be sure to send your child to school with weather-appropriate outer wear. We reserve the right to keep students inside for recess, if their choice of clothing does not adequately protect them from the weather.
  • In the event a student does not adhere to the dress code, the parent will be contacted. Parents always have theoption to come to school with a change of clothing or footwear to enable their student to participate.
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